
We believe in outsized impact

Discover our different programs and initiatives for supporting founders, from kindling groundbreaking ideas to fostering growth in startups ready to scale.

Venture Partner Masterclasses


B2B Sales

SEO Marketing


Design Thinking

User Research

Brand Building

Financial Management

Kaya Office Hours

Sign up for office hours with one of our General Partners! These sessions, held on a bi-weekly basis, are a chance for any founders, entrepreneurs, or aspiring founders to connect with our team for informal business advisory chats, Q&A on venture capital funding, and mentorship.

Kaya Angel Network

The Kaya Founders Angel Network is a community of angel investors that supports early-stage Philippine companies using technology to solve critical societal problems and transform key domestic industries. We connect investors with potential investment opportunities across our portfolio companies actively looking for capital to spur their growth. Gain access to exclusive Kaya Founders events and our existing network of founders, VC's, and other investors.

Past Events

Manila Venture Program 2023

Past Events

BUILD Festival 2024

Past Events

Ateneo Startup Accelerator Program 2022

Past Events


Founders Launchpad x Kaya Founders

Our bespoke hands-on approach and tailor-fit curriculum created by the minds of FL and Kaya provides mentorship, in-program and post-program support, and access to an incredible network of investors, founders, and industry leaders. Startups accepted into the program also have the possibility of receiving funding from either Kaya, FL or both.